Can you rebuild these beautiful stained glass windows? Like a jigsaw puzzle but each piece is a shard of glass which needs to be put back into the right place. 126 window puzzles available to play immediately!
Simple drag and drop interface that works for adults and children. A simple tutorial on "How To Play" is included. Puzzles in each pack start easy and get harder the more you do.
Puzzles range from easy (solve in minutes) through to very hard (an hour or more). But dont worry, your placed pieces are automatically saved so you can do the puzzle over several sessions. You can also turn on and off useful guides like outlines or a ghost image depending on how hard you want it to be. And if some pieces are too small, just turn on the Auto-Zoom feature.
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As you concentrate on each piece in the puzzle you see details of the window that arent immediately obvious when looking at the completed window. See the window as the original artist did - an element at a time. Once a puzzle is completed you can explore a zoomed in version to see all the detail.
All puzzles are family friendly with the easier puzzles well suited to your younger puzzlers.
An uncluttered puzzle solving space lets you be in the moment as you work your way through the puzzle at your own pace.
Work with some of the most glorious stained glass windows from around the world.
Some of the puzzles are hard. If you get stuck, use the Shuffle button to get new pieces, the Auto Fill feature to put those difficult pieces into their correct places or a Ghost image to help you find the right place.
Works on your iPads and Macs. In-App purchases of puzzle packs are shared between your devices and you can easily enable synching up Puzzle completion progress between them. Start of one device and finish it on another.